And what were you looking for again?
Kelley has found some rather amusing search keywords in her Web server logs. Although most search requests coming into my sites are right on target, occasionally I get some truly odd ones.
Everything worth saying has already been said…
Not only has everything worth saying already been said, but it seems that someone else said it before me! To add insult to injury, I said it myself two months ago and didn’t even remember.
The World as a Blog
Mikel Maron’s GeoBlog accepts standard pings from GeoTagged Weblogs and displays authors and lurkers visibly on a world map. Update: Hitting [tab] and [shift]-[tab] while the mouse is sitting on the world map will jump from dot to dot and display the most recent entry.
Steal these buttons!
I’d always been quite annoyed by most “powered by” icons because they were intrusive and snide. “Best viewed with Internet Explorer” simply translates to “I’m too lazy to make this page look decent in all browsers”. Because of this fact I always kept all of my sites and pages free of any extraneous buttons or […]
Gym sickness?
It appears that I’ve acquired some new horrible disease from the local gym…hopefully it’s one of those quietly annoying twenty-four hour things. I’m always quite anal when it comes to washing myself thoroughly after touching any surface where nude sweaty men prance around but it seems that a few microbes have definitely made their way […]
Back to the gym.
I’ve been slacking for the past month and have only made it to the gym a few times. Between work, cleaning the house and preparing for parental visits I really haven’t had the time and, even had I made time, I really wouldn’t have been up to it. I finally made it back to the […]
More Hacker’s Diet converts…
Ronaldo M. Ferraz has a quick writeup on The Hacker’s Diet and Richard Tallent has been at it for a few months now. Jeremy Sharlack has also started his Fitness Blog based on The Hacker’s Diet and The Atkins Diet.
One of these days I’m going to have to figure out this TrackBack stuff.
Our office building is inhabited by freaks…
It seems that someone in our office building has an extremely odd sense of humor or they are seriously disturbed. Every once in a while the stall in the bathroom has dozens of little balled up pieces of toilet paper piled up in the corner. Each wad has been meticulously rolled up to be uniform […]
Derp error of the week award!
And this week’s derp error of the week goes to Evidence Eliminator…a piece of bunk that I won’t even grace with a URL for fear of some poor sap actually purchasing it. While randomly surfing I ran across a popup that fired this wonderful piece of prose. Clicking either OK or Cancel brings you to […]