Category: Simulacrum
Visual stuff.
Final Cut Pro 3 – Managing Timecode Breaks
When filming video with MiniDV cameras are you the type of person who immediately rewinds and watches the most recent clip just to make sure the pervious shot was perfect? If so, you may inadvertently introduce timecode breaks to your source video. A timecode break happens when the tape is not perfectly cued for the […]
iPhotoToGallery 0.2-beta
Zachary Wily has released iPhotoToGallery 0.2-beta, a plug-in for iPhoto 2 that allows albums to be exported directly to Gallery 1.3 Web sites. Although I haven’t actually tried the plug-in yet I’ll endorse it for now simply for the coolness factor. I’ll report back once I do some work with it.
We have a floor!
With the exception of the quarter round trim and a few touchups in the paint, the hedgehog room is ready to start housing inhabitants! Brian helped out with the linoleum and we managed to trim the whole floor without a template because the roll was pre-cut to size. Creative use of trim and thresholds will […]
Hurts so much…looks so good!
One does not truly appreciate the mechanical advantage of the hammer after repeatedly forcing two pounds of nails into a floor. Do you know how many 1.5″ underlayment nails are in two pounds? In layman’s terms, it roughly works out to a metric fuckton. Banging on the floor was amusing for the first hour…after that, […]
Memorial Brainless Featherbrained
Bling Lever Juice
Hamor Hollow
Peekaboo! Where’s my food? The hand that feeds me… The babies are in the process of being weaned from their mother and are being put in their overnight condominiums so they can get used to being alone. Every morning they go back in with Mom, though. One baby is spoken for and, if you’re interested […]
Geek Rig
Dual G4 1.25 GHz Cinema Display HD Inert Headquarters I’m a complete and utter diehard UNIX geek. I just realized that every machine in my home office is some flavor of UNIX be it Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, etc. I haven’t had a Windows PC for over a year and, with the exception of […]
Confusion Hero Exhaustion The house across the street was consumed by flames a few weeks ago. No major external damage but the third floor was internally gutted.
Managing multiple iPhoto libraries…
A major drawback with iPhoto has always been the fact that it can’t gracefully handle multiple libraries. Albeit a hack, iPhoto 2 fixes this limitation by adding limited support for multiple libraries. Although there is no menu option for switching between libraries there are a few different techniques that can be used. The best method […]