Watch out for “low carb” vs. “reduced carb”.

It looks like the cheesecake that Kelly got for my birthday was “reduced carb” and not “low carb”. The only change I’ve made to my diet over the past week was adding a slice of leftover cheesecake each evening for dessert and my weight loss completely stalled. The trend line has caught up and, for […]

Is your dashboard sticky?

One of my pet peeves is eating in the car. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with munching on a nutrition bar or drinking a soda in transit but there’s something seriously wrong with attempting to balance an entire meal on your knee while driving. Like mobile phones, not only is it a […]

Atkins evangelism…

It’s official…Andrew, my navigator, will be starting a mix of Atkins and The Hacker’s Diet to drop 30 or so pounds. We had quite a long discussion about it this evening and he’s quite psyched…especially after he stayed for dinner. Grilled steak, grilled chicken, mozzarella with spices in oil and cheese, spinach and artichoke dip […]


Waternoodle Thugette 0wn3d Yesterday was my twenty-seventh birthday. I think…carry the two, yeah, twenty-seventh. Kelly put together a small barbecue party, we had some friends over and we took full advantage of the children’s wading pool and the new deck set. A simple meal of hot dogs and hamburgers was served with dozens of condiments […]

Chocoberry Geek Smoothie

Mix up a quart or two of Crystal Light just to have on hand. 1 scoop chocolate Designer Whey Powder (2 carbs). 1 cup frozen raspberries (6 net carbs). 1/2 cup frozen strawberries (3.2 net carbs). Raspberry Crystal Light to taste and desired consistency (0 carbs). Add whey powder and frozen berries to blender. Add […]

Has your weight held you back?

Carla asks, has your weight or your health held you back from anything? I, too, have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I broke my leg when I was six or seven and got chunky. I then crashed my mountain bike horribly when I was fifteen and got fat when I was […]

Too young to make their own decisions…

I’m sorry, but I have a serious issue with these kids. I originally found them while scanning ANANOVA for the strange and unusual. It seems that Russian Dzhambulat Khotokhov is the World’s largest four-year-old child, weighing in at 123 pounds at a stalky 3 feet 11 inches. Apparently, these kids are wrestlers and their parents […]

Would you like to supersize your crack?

Skinnykat linked to a New York Post story that claims fat and sugar soaked fast food bits are as addictive as cigarettes and hard drugs. Personally, I’d believe it…before I executed my lifestyle change and started Atkins I was heavily addicted to carbohydrates and didn’t even realize it. With that said, I’d be inclined to […]

The wrong trousers…

All of my pants are completely falling off and I’ve punched an additional three holes in my belt over the past few months…it’s quite amusing. I made a conscious decision not to make any wardrobe purchases until I was sure that I was finished losing weight. I already have a whole new virtual wardrobe because, […]

I wimped out…

I only did two miles on the elliptical this evening instead of the usual four or five. I stopped more out of boredom than anything else…I wasn’t even tired or worn out, I just needed to get back outside. Oh well…maybe tomorrow…