Category: Numbtastic
Stupid stuff.
Welcome to day 12 of the storm…
We need a recall election for whoever is in charge of weather. There have been severe thunderstorms and massive downpours every day for well over a week now. Everything is moist and, even when it’s not raining, my clothes get that unwashed stuck-to-the-skin feeling just from sitting around the house. All the carpets in the […]
I’ll try the teeniebopper with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Ten years ago the television was used as a virtual babysitter to keep kids quiet. Now, according to Teen Research Unlimited, the Web has officially replaced television as the instant babysitter in a box. For the most part, parents have absolutely no idea what goes on when their kids are on the Web and, due […]
There goes the neighborhood…
Problem: you’ve renovated your house and you have all sorts of nasty things that need to get thrown out. Solution: rent a huge dumpster to toss everything into! Problem: the disposal company refuses (ha, I made a pun) to take the dumpster after the spare oil tank has been tossed into it! Solution: rent the […]
I’m too sexy for my hat…
Maybe if old bats weren’t so concerned about what their husbands were staring at, the world would be a better place.
The $6,000 turntable!
I’m using iDVD3 to encode a bunch of DV movies while listening to iTunes. As an added benefit, all of my MP3 and AAC files sound like scratched poppy vinyl while iDVD3 is crunching away doing its thing. Glorious! I feel like I’m at a rave…
I’m so glad I have ADHD…
Sometimes having ADHD and an extremely short attention span is a blessing. On the way home this evening someone did the most incredibly boneheaded thing to me on the highway. I was so enraged in the car that I spent most of the drive home attempting to poetically describe the zoomtard in the utmost of […]
You let kids eat these things?
So, let me get this straight, you expect kids to eat mutated hotdogs that have been pulled from an octopus’ ass? I won’t even go into the Freudian aspect of this. I lied. I will. It’s bad enough that these things look like sex toys, but the resulting product appears to be a chunk of […]
Whore Presents?
Would you like some Whore Presents? Or maybe some Power Genitalia. If all else fails, go for an Expert Sex Change!
Get your MeatShake here!
If MeatShake weren’t a hoax, I’m afraid to admit that I’d probably be a loyal customer! Wow…talk about a treat designed specifically for Atkins fanatics!
Forget Your Subway Diet!
Maybe I’m just utterly bitter because I haven’t been able to enjoy a good Subway sub for quite a while, but I find this photo completely hilarious! Seriously, though, Jared has been an incredible inspiration for quite a few of us. I have to admit that, the first time I saw the Jared ad, I […]