Five AM blur…

Take your picture. Right now. Submit to your 5:00 AM stupor for all the world to see. Wipe the encrusted sleepers from your eyes, do your best to focus, fire a self-portrait, and share with the rest of the class! Who knows? What you end up with might just be art! it might be crap. […]

When You Tell One Lie

With apologies to Paul Hatch…I always disliked this jingle. When you tell one lie, it leads to another So you tell two lies to cover each other Then you tell three lies and, oh brother You’re in trouble up to your ears! So you tell four lies to try to protect you Then you tell […]

Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

While randomly searching for comma splices I ran across the Guide to Grammar and Writing at Capital Community College. I’m an extremely concise technical writer, however, I’m also a self-taught high school dropout (see, a comma splice). Because of this I tend to write using my own personal set of rules that I’ve put together […]

The mystery bag made its way back to its owner…

I left the mystery bag in front of the garage at the address on the envelope I found in it. This morning I got a voicemail from its owner thanking me profusely for going out of my way to return it. How many karma points is that?

Tis only a flesh wound!

Yesterday evening’s commute home was quite amusing. I found a leather bag in the middle of the road leaving work. You’d think that the owner of such an expensive bag filled with medical course notes and textbooks would at least tag it with their contact information. No such luck. Not even a name written on […]

Easy enough to remember?

You’d think that would be easy enough to remember whenever I need to install Apt on a new RedHat Linux box. But no…it always takes me 20 minutes to dig through bookmarks and find it. Now all I have to do is remember that I blogged about it and search for it on my […]

Embarrassing? Well…it depends…

Each of the ground floor offices at work is a half basement. When inside, the grass is right at chest level and there is an overhang just inside the window where cubicle dwellers store their toys. One unfortunate soul left a box of their Depend undergarments sitting on the shelf proudly displayed for the entire […]

Aoccdrnig to rsereach…

Aoccdrnig to rsereach at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteres are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do […]

Thank the media for the traffic jam.

If yesterday’s truck accident wasn’t bad enough, rubberneckers and news crews caused a huge tieup and traffic jam hours after the accident was completely cleaned up yesterday. During rush hour on the commute home, dozens of reporters, multiple news vans, satellite vans and state troopers were still camped out in the grass at the junction […]

Damage, Inc.

Damage Studios is an equal opportunity employer, unless you’re a previous SCO employee. Giggle.