Category: Numbtastic
Stupid stuff.
America Online: A sucker born every minute…
According to a corporate press release dated June 16, 2000, America Online has surpassed the 23 million member mark. Founded in 1985, AOL has been a household name to novice computer users worldwide. Unfortunately, many of these novices don’t know that they’re only seeing a small portion of the Internet and are being limited by […]
This January, 1995 my family and I had accounts at sites all over the world. I am currently a Systems Administrator of my own site on the West Coast of Florida with a private spool, T3 connection, and a beautiful JPEG of the bay. I will never have to crack again, and anyone can do […]
The “Me Too” FAQ
This FAQ is designed to educate, and hopefully change, the ways of certain contributors on various USENET newsgroups. These contributors add nothing of substantial content to USENET, and simply waste bandwidth with their ramblings. These contributors are “Me Too” message posters, and must be destroyed, be it by force or simple reasoning and communication.