Month: October 2005
Best tech support evar!
One of my co-workers was having problems connecting to the VPN at work and fired me an e-mail: Looks like my IP address at home changed. Would that irritate the SonicWall? My new IP is XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, can you feed that to the SonicWall? I’ll sacrifice a chicken or two over here, maybe together we can […]
Teh OT is down!
Wilma took down Teh OT. I foresee workplace productivity going up exponentially this week. đ That is unless OTters are savvy enough to find Teh Barn.
Export from iPhoto to SimpleViewer
Laziness had prevented me from finding a decent free Flash photo gallery viewer for but I ran across something on macosxhints. There’s an AppleScript available to export from iPhoto to SimpleViewer. Yay. Or something. Now all I need is some time to play around with it.
In da Bginnin God cre8d da heavens & da earth
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.