Use your body fat percentage to calculate your real weight.

Sometimes a stall in weight loss can be quite discouraging. Just like it’s important to watch your trend line instead of your weight, it’s also important to keep track of your body fat percentage! Since the human body is nothing more than a rubber bag, sometimes it gets a little clogged and the weight you […]


Garden salad with greens, cheeses, pepperoni, chicken and vinegar

WebGUI – Multiple sites on the same server

Running multiple WebGUI sites on the same Web server is quite simple but not immediately obvious in the configuration files. All you need to do is move the WebGUI installation directory to a central location available to all virtual hosts such as /var/www/lib/WebGUI.

The Atkins Cooler

We were away all weekend up in the backwoods of Maine and basically packed a cooler of Atkins-safe goodies. Since there was no real food schedule there really isn’t any point in splitting up the daily food log into breakfast, lunch and dinner. Instead, here is an overview of what was inside the cooler. Roast […]